Bless The Broken Road
By Rascal Flatts

Our daughter in China

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I am going to be on TV

Some of you know of this big trial I was on. I am going to be on TV in Canada. It's kind of exciting and scary all at once. I could of said I won't do it, but I guess I really don't mind. It just makes me nervous. For all of my Canadian internet friends I'll let you know when, as soon as I know. It's CBC broadcasting. I guess they are going to come to my house to get a few snipets to make an intro for me. It's so strange to me.
When I was talking Alexandra on the phone today I find it hard to give her a clear direct answer to many of her questions. I think it's because I'm on of those people pleasing people- and can always see both sides of a story. The one thing I am good at is telling of my feelings and emotions on the whole thing. I just don't like it when I have to talk of others, or specifics of the trial. I'm so worried of saying the wrong thing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A week at a time

I just read on one of my DTC groups that referals are not going to speed up, at least the rest of this year. They are expecting one week of referals per month. Ugh--- Say it isn't so.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wisconsin Dells

We just returned yesterday from a weekend trip to Wisconsin Dells. It was nice to get away for a couple of days.
Ivy had a great time. The room was wonderful, much bigger than we anticipated. Ivy had her own bedroom and bathroom, she thought she was quite the little princess!
I have had enought of waterparks to last a year or so. We stayed at the Kalahari. I think it's my favorite resort in the Dells.
Not much on the calendar for week, just normal stuff, work, school functions, yada, yada, yada.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Referals are here

They have actually been here a few days. I find them a little depressing. CCAA only referred 4 days this month, 4, thats it.
Everyone seems to think that after CCAA gets thru November(which has been 4 months now) things will speed up a little. I feel they have to speed up sometime. But I have not even a guess as to when. Probably if I decided to leave the program. Then they would speed up real fast. LOL! We are so close- yet so far away. I didn't want to have kids past the age of 30- huh?!?!How plans change.
A big Congrats- to all who recieved referals, you made it thru the wait. I have been looking at the pictures of those babies, they are too cute!
In the rest of my life- We start Brownies today, have a lot planned for the year. It should be fun.
My friend is here- gotta go, more later.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Happy Labor Day

It's Labor Day weekend. My how time flies. It is sad summer is at an end. Yet- I'm ready for fall. It's my favorite!
Hopefully we will hear something on Tuesday about this batch of referrals. We are keeping are fingers crossed for a bigger # this time. I never lose hope.
Thanks to my secret pal. The swimsuit and sunglasses are toooo cute! I still need to get my last gift in the mail. I've been doing the secret pal swap since we started this process, and I'm done for now. Really the biggest reason is I am a crappy secret pal. Every gift is late, it's not fair to the person I'm sending too. Especially since I have had such wonderful secret pals. Maybe she will end up with one of mine.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

4 months!!

I just read on RQ-- In one year the CCAA has reffered out 4 months!! 4 months, thats it!! It's crazy. Our LID is 4 months from now. So- I guess that still makes us good to be home by this time next year. But really-
How depressing!