Bless The Broken Road
By Rascal Flatts

Our daughter in China

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Happy Labor Day

It's Labor Day weekend. My how time flies. It is sad summer is at an end. Yet- I'm ready for fall. It's my favorite!
Hopefully we will hear something on Tuesday about this batch of referrals. We are keeping are fingers crossed for a bigger # this time. I never lose hope.
Thanks to my secret pal. The swimsuit and sunglasses are toooo cute! I still need to get my last gift in the mail. I've been doing the secret pal swap since we started this process, and I'm done for now. Really the biggest reason is I am a crappy secret pal. Every gift is late, it's not fair to the person I'm sending too. Especially since I have had such wonderful secret pals. Maybe she will end up with one of mine.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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