I've been tagged- twice now! I guess I better play along! Here we go 6 wierd things about me- 1. I eloped in Vegas, w/ my high school sweetheart
2.I eat meat, but refuse to eat anything on a bone, or even if i see it on a bone! Completely grosses me out!
3.Whenever I go out w/ my girlfriends(drinking) I feel the need to sit under the bar or table for a little while!
4.When I get an idea I become obsessed w/ it. I spend hours on end deciding how to make it work, and researching. (I get lots of ideas)
5. I can be a hypocondriac- if I read about it, I have it(for at least 10 min). Oh ya- I do this w/ my daughter too!
6.I can be a slob, but I'm a perfectionist!If I don't have time to do something absolutely perfect, I will keep putting it off(sometimes quite awhile) Can't stand things done half-ass!
See -I played! Do you all still want to be my friends?Hmmmmmmm-who should I tag!