Bless The Broken Road
By Rascal Flatts

Our daughter in China

Monday, May 01, 2006

I thought I'd do a blog update. It's hard to keep up w/ because everything seems so unreal. I don't want this to be a negative thing. There is some exciting news. Referrals came out last week. They covered May 31-June 6. Not a lot of days, but more than last month. I love looking at the referral pictures, those babies are so adorable. I f anyone wants to see some of them let me know and I will give you a link. I also got my secret pal gift on Friday. I was so excited. It's things like that, that make the whole process seem more"real". The theme for April was travel. We received a lot of stuff. An outfit for baby,suckers for Ivy,infant Tylenol, wipes, q-tips, Ora-gel,Kleenex, and a carrying case w/nail clippers, a thermometer,aspirator and dosing spoon. It's all so appreciated. Thanks secret pal!
Things have been pretty busy around here as usual. On Friday Kelly and I went to see Tim and Faith. It was a great concert. And- all you women who walk around in uncomfortable shoes. Faith had on cute gym shoes, and was adorable. If Faith Hill can walk on stage in front of thousands of people in gym shoes, and perform. So can the rest of us. There is no reason we should have to suffer for fashion! She still looked really cute! That was my lesson for the night. By the way- I made Kelly drive, so we wouldn't have to worry about another guard rail incident, like when we went to see Keith! HA HA !!
On Sat. Was Emmas baptism. I am her godmother! It is such an honor. It went well, she didn't cry at all. She was a happy little girl! Yesterday was a Bunco night. I didn't win anything. I took my sister Traci and she won $100 though. Debbie made out pretty well. Lindsey was the biggest loser, so she won $50. Not bad for being the biggest loser! This week I have to do things for daisy's, we are quickly coming to the end of the school year. We have to work on our bridging ceremony,finish our petals. We are taking a field trip to the fire station in a couple of weeks. We have fun together. I can't believe Ivy will be in first grade next year! It makes me sad, because she is growing up so fast. I'm proud of her though she is such a great girl. I need to get my baby home so I'm not bored when Ivy is in school all day! I probably won't be bored, but I'll miss our time together.


At 4:24 PM, Blogger Molly Pina said...

Tina, thanks for leaving the message on Allison's website! I immediately checked out yours and we seem to have a shared love of Tim and Faith! We are going to see them on the 28th. You will have to email me and tell me all about it! I love your blog! I also love the name Addy!


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